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Porthtowan, Cornwall

Year 2, Term 1 (12 Weeks)

For this design project, I needed to find the balance between function, the sites ethos and design. This building is required to contain two fully functional observatories, which makes the functionality of the structure the main priority.  "Mount Pleasant Eco Park’s Observatory Project’s main objective should be to provide a hub for astronomy in the local area of Porthtowan, Cornwall" (ARC220 brief).

The users of the building are amateur astronomers, schools, universities, families and the public. This means that the site will need to accommodate for children and those with disabilities. I allowed for disabled access by having a ramp to the observatories. Introducing a lift was not an option due to the cost and energy requirements . Additionally, an eye piece will need to have a place to be stored and easily fitted. This allows for a disabled individual in a wheel chair to look though the telescope. An example of this eye piece is the ARE-125 (articulated relay eyepiece).

I carefully selected the observatories' placement, to have the maximum visibility for each one. The building contains toilets, tea making station and a group meeting room. The observatories are copper plated to reflect the original purpose of the site, which was to mine copper. The building uses sustainable materials where possible and incorporates natural elements like plants. This is why the main structure of the building is made from timber and the observatories have a concrete pile. The glazing has been used to reduce the need for artificial lighting, during the day, and to provided a natural source of heat.

Considering the fire safety the observatory should have an exit to the roof and a staircase. A hatch/trapdoor should not be used to access the observatory, as it is used by the public. All exits must have appropriate fire lighting. In addition the stair case should not be a tight spiral.

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