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Exploratory Project

Hyper Real Play Garden

Year 3, Term 1 (12 Weeks)

The aim of this project was to design a proposal that redefines the site and improves the local environment, while creating a site specific identity. This project enhances the local area and adds to the growing tourism industry. Economically, the project would increase the duration tourist spend in the area and attract more tourism into the area, thus increasing the use of local businesses, creating a positive domino effect.

The design of the Hyper Real Play Garden alongside rewilding zones, will boost the environment, increase biodiversity and create more opportunities for the locals.

Throughout the process of this project, I created a blog. I wrote about: ceating my device, building models, drawings and precedents. Please follow the link to find out more:

Site Location

‘Anthropocene’ is the name of our current, time period. It refurs to the significant impact caused by humans to our planet, on a global scale.


This is apparent in St Austell, due to the impact left from clay mining. In fact, the 'white mountains' can be seen in from space. With time, plants will be able to grow over the tips and create a more natural landscape. However, the form of the area, will act like a scar, showing this history, of human activity, much like geographical events.

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